Hypermobility and Pelvic Health

Learn to move safely and with confidence within the hypermobile spectrum. 

Being flexible is a good thing, right? Well, yes! But as the saying goes, there can be too much of a good thing. Hypermobile-spectrum disorder (HSD) and/or hEDS (hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) are two categories of this “super-bendy” condition.

People who tend to be on the bendy end of the flexibility spectrum can experience it in many ways. They may have no symptoms at all or may have significantly debilitating issues – most are somewhere in between. 

Moving through the world on the more symptomatic end of the bendy spectrum can come with challenges. Often these folks will actually feel “really tight” in certain areas – like some areas “won’t let go” – but quite mobile or loose in others. That’s the muscles trying to do the job that the connective tissue (ligaments and tendons) can’t do as well. For example – hamstrings that are “always tight” helping to stabilize loose hip joints. 

Since hypermobility is driven by laxity in the connective tissue (and connective tissue is literally everywhere), all of the systems of the body are fair game to develop other co-occurring factors – circulatory, gastrointestinal, genito-urinary, immunologic, etc. This combination of effects can make moving more complicated and all of those potentially combined factors need to be considered in treatment plans.

So how exactly can pelvic PT help? Well, remember that loose hip / tight hamstring example? Guess what those hips are a part of? The pelvis! And the trunk. And the legs. Oh, and all of the internal organs affected by these structures as well. So yes, pelvic PT can play a big role providing treatment for…

  • Fatigue and pacing strategies
  • Joint sense and support
  • All-things bowel, bladder and sexual 
  • Strengthening and CORRECT flexibility training
  • And more!

Bottom line…we know that HSD/hEDS can be limiting. But when approached appropriately, bendy folks can live and move in a healthy, thriving and sustainable way!