Get rid of pain.

Sit, run, stand, have sex.

Not all pain is created equally. Pain is often complex and all of the factors should be considered. It can be acute/recent or more persistent/chronic. Pain can affect a small area (local) or diffuse, affecting a larger region. It can be sharp, dull, aching, throbbing, intermittent, constant, prickly, stabbing, etc. 

A good therapist is going to ask about all of these components. Information about the nature of the pain helps us to determine potential driving and complicating factors – and there are often layers of these factors to consider. Some of the more common culprits are the “I’s” – inflammation, irritation, infection. Other potential triggers include surgical or trauma events, orthopedic injuries, visceral issues (IBS, endometriosis, prostatitis), hormonal fluctuation or even no known trigger at all! 

As physical therapists, we are specialists with the neuromuscular system. We are able to evaluate how the pain is presenting in your day to day and how it’s influenced by all of the other systems – nerves, organs, circulation, etc. We are able to reduce your pain but more importantly, we provide tools and training so you can learn to reduce pain flares or even keep it from returning.

Photo by Mahrael Boutros on Unsplash

Call 404-228-1935 or fill out the form below to get started!