Pregnancy & Childbirth Services

Welcome to Kemper Pelvic Physio and congratulations on your pregnancy! Pregnancy can bring all sorts of challenges and unknowns and we’re so happy you decided to embark on this journey with us. We’re here to support you during every stage from pre-conception all the way to recovering postpartum to keep you moving well and feeling confident with every decision you make.

Which is right for you?

Pregnancy & Postpartum Physical Therapy

Enjoy your pregnancy, delivery, and new parenthood

  • Keep moving pain free
  • Stop leaking with every sneeze!
  • Prepare your body, pelvis and pelvic floor for the big day
  • Tailor an exercise program for each trimester
  • Feel prepared no matter what mode of delivery you plan (or don’t plan!)
Pregnant woman sitting on a bed consulting with doula.

Childbirth Education & Services

Mindful and inclusive education on how to navigate, pregnancy, birth, and the early postpartum phase

  • Education on hormonal changes, nutritional expectations, and oral health
  • Expectation during stages of labor and delivery
  • Instruction on birth planning and self advocacy 
  • Access to supportive community resources